Adventures of a Cheating Flea directed by Łukasz Gajdzis is an extremely colourful point in the repertoire of the Polish Theatre in Bydgoszcz.
The actors, using the excellent text by Jan Brzechwa, introduce the youngest audience into a fairy-tale world ruled by untamed imagination. It is here where moving the cardboard box in the blink of an eye allows you to enter into the magical reality in which an ordinary spoon can turn into a sword, and the flea can be the size of an elephant.
The intelligent, humorous story becomes extremely engaging, which can be noticed by watching the blushes on the faces of the most demanding audience. What's more, the challenge taken by the great acting trio (Małgorzata Witkowska, Paweł L. Gilewski and Marcin Zawodziński) will also be funny for parents, who will be captivated by the adventures of the little creature once again.
*Strobe lights are used during the performance.